Copy the exact web site of your museum above.  Use complete sentences!



                                                                  Class period #________________

1.     What is the name of the museum?




2. What city, state, country and continent is the museum located in?

(If you don’t know find a map and look.)



3. Name 3 special exhibitions or gallery displays at your museum?  (List artists, any titles of work, and the date they were made.)





4. What is the history of the art museum?  When/why was it founded?




5. Is this museum organized around a certain time period?  Is it limited in the art that it collects? If yes, how?




6. What is the building that houses the museum like? (Find a picture of the building on the web site and describe it.






9.Choose 10 pieces of art that exemplifies the art this museum collects. Make sure you know how to find them in your web site as you will use these for your PowerPoint.